Our Tutoring Program was established in 2009, in response to the increasing number of children and young people needing extra support and guidance with their school work.

Our Tutoring Program is a free service offered to families in our communities who experience financial hardships.

Donate to Weave

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do to make this tutoring program possible for families like mine. Now that we have you I don't know what we would do without it!” 

- Tutoring parent

Educational Support

Our volunteer tutors assist children and young people with:

  • Core Maths, Science, and English subjects
  • Transition to high school
  • Higher School Certificate preparation
  • Basic reading and writing for children and young people with low levels of literacy

Priority Areas

Students come from many walks of life. Our program prioritises students who fall into any of the following criteria:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse
  • Refugee status or background
  • Migrant and/or asylum seeker
  • Lives in social housing
  • Single parent family
  • Parents/Carers possess a Centrelink health card or Pension Card


Tutoring Students 2022 - 2023


Volunteer Tutors 2022 - 2023

Our Tutors

Our tutors are volunteers recruited from within the community who feel passionate about education and supporting children to feel confident at school. They have a strong academic background, and a commitment to have a positive impact on the lives of children and young people.

Get involved

Sessions are held from Monday to Thursday from 3:30pm – 6pm at the Waterloo Library & on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3 – 6pm at Weave Woolloomooloo.

Fields marked with an * are required

About you

Tick all ALL that apply to the student

Education information



Tutoring is available at Waterloo Library and at Weave Woolloomooloo. Do you have a preference for location?
Fields marked with an * are required

About you

Your availability

What days are you generally available? *
Tutoring takes place at various Weave locations. Which location/s are most convenient for you? *

Your skills & experience

Volunteer checks & training


Referee 1

Referee 2