Our work at Weave has always been centred on empowerment and connection. Our name “Weave”, reflects the complexity of life and the multiple strands that hold us together.
Weave is about connecting young people, families and the wider community, and strengthening the bonds that help reduce social isolation. Each thread of the Weave is enriched and strengthened through the work we do and the relationships we build.
Now, more than ever, as we collectively face these uncertain and rapidly changing times, we are dedicated to empowering the people and communities we work with and as a team we are exploring new ways of working that focus on providing continuity of connection and care.

We have been guided by the latest information and guidance from the NSW Government website in relation to health and community service providers. Our offices are still open but with reduced staff on site (to allow for social distancing) and we are not open for drop-ins at this time. Weave staff are still providing services to existing clients, whilst at the same time trying to minimise face to face contact as much as possible. Clients can still come to our offices by appointment as long as they are well and do not have any particular risk factors.
We are following advice from the NSW and Federal Government Health authorities and the World Health Organisation in relation to exercising social distancing and hygiene measures and self-isolation where appropriate.
Unfortunately we have had to take the following measures to reduce the risk of spreading infection:
- We have had to suspend our Driving Change Program, our Streetbeat Transport Program and our Tutoring Program. We are working on ways to keep connected to those participants and volunteers and to deliver support remotely where possible. We are still at this stage supporting people to prepare their Driver Knowledge Test for their Learner’s Permit.
- We have also had to suspend the Kool Kids after school programs until further notice. The Kool Kids team is busy communicating with parents, schools and stakeholders and will still maintain close contact via phone with vulnerable children and families.
- For these and all our programs we are working on innovative and creative ways to maintain continuity of support and connection through this trying time.
- We are continuing to work with our community partners to ensure a coordinated approach to supporting the most vulnerable members of our community at this highly challenging time.
- Like everyone else, we have also had to suspend all groups, programs, events and workshops until further notice. We have had to close our centres for drop-ins and move to appointments for support to allow us to ask people the screening questions in relation to risk factors for COVID-19. People can still come to our centres if necessary, but need to be screened before entering and are required to exercise social distancing and hygiene measures.
- We are not taking any new referrals at the moment either, as we already have waiting lists, and we cannot guarantee that we will be able to support those new referrals in the way they need and deserve.
We are keeping a close eye on developments and will act appropriately following advice from the Australian and NSW Governments and the World Health Organisation. Our priority continues to be to provide continuity of support and connection to our community and to protect the safety, health of wellbeing of clients, community, staff and volunteers.
We are very grateful for the groundswell of kindness and offers of assistance from our volunteers, friends and supporters at this time and always.
Please reach out to us to talk about how we can work together to support our clients, families and communities through this challenging time.
Siobhan Bryson