Join Weave’s Circle of Security Parenting Course
Circle of Security is an evidence-based parenting program that helps parents to make sense of what their child is really asking from them.
The Circle of Security Program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.
Circle of Security will help parents to:
- Understand their child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs
- Support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions
- Enhance the development of their child’s self esteem
- Honour the innate desire for their child to be secure
Mothers, grandmothers and women with children in their care are welcome to attend.
Time: Tuesday, 10am – 12pm
Location: Weave Women and Children’s Centre
Address: 133 Morehead St. Waterloo 2017
Duration: The program runs from Tuesday, 11 February to Tuesday, 31 March 2020.
There is limited childcare available — please note that this is on a first come first serve basis and filling up fast so it is possible that we will not be able to offer childcare to all participants.
If you have any questions, please contact Margaret on 9699 9036 or email us.