Hear from Amanda about her experience with the Driving Change program.
Find out why she loves volunteering with Weave.
I am a mother of three and I work for myself — mostly from home. Outside of work, I have lots of hobbies including reading and reviewing books, walking with friends and playing netball. In fact, I’ve played in the same netball team for 10 years.
I was invited to a Weave fundraising event a few years ago and was blown away. I loved hearing about the programs and their impact on the community, and I was also so impressed by the wide range of people that were there.
Honestly, I felt like I was the last person in Sydney to hear about this wonderful organisation, and I knew that night that I would want to get involved in some way.
I’ve been a volunteer for about nine months — although Covid-19 has interrupted things over that time.
I am a volunteer driver with the Driving Change Program. I only have one student at the moment, but I can see myself doing more post-Covid.
When my learner first started, I don’t think he had any idea that he could actually be driving on the road like other people within just a few short lessons. I will never forget the look on his face when he realised it was possible.

– Amanda loves teaching people to drive.
If I could tell people one thing about Weave and the Driving Change program, I would say “just do it”. There are young people on waiting lists right now wanting to get their licence, but they don’t have access to a car or people who can mentor them. The sooner you sign up, the sooner they can get started. Interestingly, I’ve already signed up two friends to volunteer with this exact statement!
The programs are simple but high impact and it’s easy to make a difference. It’s also really well managed, and everyone knows the rules and what to expect.
Honestly, I think the best thing about volunteering is just the way it makes me feel. To spend time with my learner, see him develop confidence, have a laugh and talk about plans for the future… that’s priceless to me.
I am helping him learn a skill that so many people take for granted and making a difference to his life.
If teaching learner drivers is not for you, ask Weave about some of their other programs. There are so many ways to get involved.