The Weave’s Kool Kids Switch Leaders were invited to attend the monthly Board Meeting at Clovelly Community Bendigo Bank. The invitation was an opportunity for the Board of Directors to hear how far their support goes when we run a leadership program at Kool Kids.
When we arrived at Clovelly Community Bendigo Bank the kid’s eyes lit up when the lasagne & fancy salad arrived. The evening started with us all sitting down to a meal together before the kids did their presentation.
Some of the kids were feeling very nervous, so the conversations at dinner was a great icebreaker. The kids had plenty of questions regarding the bank’s security procedures & more importantly the money safe, keys and how much “cash” they held on premises. The Board were certainly amused by the group& happily answered their questions.
Our leaders, Beau, Josh, Kayde, AJ, Drew, Carmen & Christine, had the board & staff eating out of their hands. In true Kool Kids Switch style the crew ran a slide show presentation while each of them spoke about the programs they were personally involved in. Kayde King ensured that we were all on cue when it was our turn to present. Our leaders explained the programs in their unique and special way, which had a huge impact on our audience. It was an important evening for Weave’s Kool Kids and the leaders excelled and did us very proud. It was great to reflect & see how hard the team works to provide awesome programs and unique opportunities to wonderful leaders. The team engaged well when answering questions from the Directors with some of the replies completely blowing us away.
We also had a chance to show Kool Kids Worker Beau read out a speech that his sister had written about how she looks up to him and how she know that Kool Kids can provide the same opportunities for her.
As the night drew to a close the kids ate chocolate cake before being given a tour of the bank. The safe was a huge hit; however no-one could crack the combination (thankfully)! Well done Switch Leaders, you smashed it!
Thank you to the amazing staff at Clovelly Community Bendigo Bank & the Board of Director’s for the opportunity to attend your meeting, the leaders enjoyed the opportunity. Your continuous support is invaluable, thank you for investing in our Switch Leadership program.