#WeaveSurvivalTips is a campaign that celebrates our unique ways of coping and surviving, focusing on the small things that make a big difference in surviving tough times. Launched in 2014, #WeaveSurvivalTips aims to shift the focus on mental wellbeing so we can start talking and celebrating people's strengths and resilience.
#WeaveSurvivalTips celebrates our strengths, our resilience and our unique ways of getting through tough times.
What do you do to get through tough times?
We All Go Through Tough Times
#WeaveSurvivalTips acknowledges it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, what your background is, we all go through tough and challenging times.
Our goal is to create a space where people feel safe and encouraged to share their Survival tips and engage in activities and conversations that enhance mental wellbeing. Together, we are creating a resource of Survival Tips that is accessible and constantly expanding, and where people can identify and connect with other people’s experiences and tools for getting through tough times.
Download your #WeaveSurvivalTips card and join us to share your tips on social media.
#WeaveSurvivalTips video workshops with filmmaker Benny Edwards saw a group of local young people capture footage, record interviews and edit short pieces about the campaign and what they do to get through hard times.
What Do You Do To Get Through Tough Times?
We believe that asking “what do you do to get through tough times?” is a positive way of shifting the focus from problem centred thinking to a strengths-based, resilience-focused frame, and we have experienced the power of this shift when people are so willing to share and contribute when they are asked to reflect on their strengths and what works for them.
Download your #WeaveSurvivalTips card and join us to share your tips on social media.